Australian Historic Vessel "Beth"

Australian Historic Vessel "Beth"

Commissioned by Walter Price of W.E. Price and Co. of Townsville and launched in Bowen in 1950.

 Walter’s wife was Elizabeth so he named the new vessel “Beth” after her.

“Beth” operated for Townsville Transport Services Ltd. as a ferry taking passengers and freight across Ross Creek between the City and South Townsville including the Port of Townsville.

“Beth” was sold to the Moreton Tug and Lighter Co. on 30/6/1976 and was converted into a “line boat” operating at the port.

Line boats transfer the hawsers from ships to the stevedores on shore who secure the vessels to the wharf bollards.

In 1984, Moreton Tug and Lighter Co. changed its name to N.Q. Marine Towage Pty. Ltd. which was part of the Adsteam Group.

 The maritime museum acquired “Beth” on 6/11/2002. She is maintained by museum volunteers.

She was accepted into the Australian Register of Historic Vessels in 2022. On 13 April 2023, Phillip Thompson OAM, Federal Member for Herbert, unveiled the certificate and mounted the burgee denoting the status of the vessel at a ceremony that took place at the Museum.

Townsville-based Pacific Marine Group manufactured and donated a specialised viewing platform at a later date.

The Register records surviving vessels of relevance to Australia’s maritime heritage. It presents a national picture of boats and their designers, builders and owners to promote understanding of their connection to communities past and present. It encourages awareness and planning for their preservation and use. The Register is managed by the Australian National Maritime Museum in co-operation with the Sydney Heritage Fleet.